Curriculum ToDo list


Webpage link: Introduction

  1. Make content for it
  2. Make a figure about modules

IOT-OPEN.EU Reloaded Overview

Webpage link: IOT-OPEN.EU Reloaded Overview

  1. The text on the figure is too small. Adjust it.
    Who has the original file?

Module: Introduction to IoT

Module: IoT Design Methodologies

Module: IoT Architectures, inc. Networkse

Webpage link: Module: IoT Architectures, inc. Networks (M2)

Raivo: - “can assemble and implement IoT networks”. Is it correct that during this module students will assemble IoT network?
Blended learning description is missing. We should follow the similar approach like two first modules.
  1. Describe more clearly the blended learning description. Samples are in two first modules
  2. Update the list of books

Module: Data Analytics

Webpage link: Module: IoT Data Analysis (M3)

  1. Describe more clearly the blended learning description. Samples are in two first modules
  2. Make a list of books, which can be used in this module

Module: IoT Security

Webpage link: Module: IoT Security (M4)

  1. Describe more clearly the blended learning description. Samples are in two first modules

Module: Blockchain in IoT

Webpage link: Module: Blockchain in IoT (M5)

  1. Describe the module aims
  2. List needed pre-requirements for the module
  3. List learning outcomes for the module
  4. Describe more clearly the blended learning description. Samples are in two first modules
  5. List books, which can be used in the module

Module: IoT Green Design

Webpage link: Module: IoT Green Design (M6)

  1. Describe more clearly the blended learning description. Samples are in two first modules
en/iot-reloaded/curriculum/todo.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/29 09:15 by pczekalski
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