Module: IoT Security (M4)

Study level Master
ECTS credits 3
Study forms Hybrid or fully online
Module aims The module aims to give an introductory overview of the security issues pertaining to IoT solutions. What are the usual topics that need to be considered from a security point of view when building an IoT system?
Pre-requirements The student/learner has based following modules:
- Introduction to IoT
- IoT Architectures, inc. Networks
Learning outcomes After completing this module, the student:
- has an overview of cybersecurity concepts in IoT systems
- understands the cybersecurity challenges and vulnerabilities in IoT system
- knows how to secure and defend IoT systems against cyber-attacks
- can implement best cybersecurity practices on IoT systems
Topics Topic - Cybersecurity in IoT systems
Cybersecurity concepts
IoT cybersecurity challenges
Vulnerabilities in IoT systems
Cybersecurity issues and threats in IoT systems
Typical attack patterns on IoT systems
Best practices of attack detection and mitigation
Best practices of defense designs
Procedures and other countermeasures
Type of assessment Prerequisite of a positive grade is a positive evaluation of module topics and presentation of practical work results with required documentation
Blended learning Along with MOOC course in hybrid mode.
References to
1. Jean-Paul A. Yaacoub, Hassan N. Noura, Ola Salman, Ali Chehab, Ethical hacking for IoT: Security issues, challenges, solutions and recommendations, Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems 3 (2023) 280–308, Elsevier.
2. Gustavo González-Granadillo, Susana González-Zarzosa, Rodrigo Diaz, Security Information and Event Management (SIEM): Analysis, Trends, and Usage in Critical Infrastructures, Sensors, MDPI.
3. Cybersecurity: A self-teaching introduction by C. P. Gupta and K. K. Goval, M ERCURY L EARNING AND INFORMATION, Dulles, Virginia.
4. Introduction to cyber security by Jeetendra Pande, Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani.
5. Principles of Cyber Security by DR Babasaheb Ambedkar, Open University.
Lab equipment
Virtual lab
MOOC course
en/iot-reloaded/curriculum/security.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/10 15:38 by pczekalski
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