Module: Blockchain in IoT (M5)

Study level Master
ECTS credits 3
Study forms Hybrid or fully online
Module aims To develop students' understanding of using BlockChain technology to ensure data integrity. Give examples of how to implement BlockChain in IoT systems.
Pre-requirements The student/learner has passed following module:
"IoT Security"
Learning outcomes After completing this module, the student:
- Understand Blockchain tehnology
- Knows uses of Blockchain in IoT
- Knows IoT blockchain Frameworks
- Can implement simple blockchain to ensure data integrity
Topics Topic - Blockchain
Key concepts of blockchain
Blockchain network structures and technologies
Second generation applications
Expanded application of Blockchain
Type of assessment Prerequisite of a positive grade is a positive evaluation of module topics and presentation of practical work results with required documentation
Blended learning Along with MOOC course in hybrid mode.
References to
1. Vinay Gugueoth, Sunitha Safavat, Sachin Shetty, Danda Rawat, A review of IoT security and privacy using decentralized blockchain techniques, Computer Science Review (2023) 100585, Elsevier.
2. Junwei Zhang, Zhuzhu Wang, Lei Shang, Di Lu, Jianfeng Ma, BTNC: A blockchain-based trusted network connection protocol in IoT, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (2020), Elsevier.
Lab equipment
Virtual lab
MOOC course
en/iot-reloaded/curriculum/blockchain.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/10 15:39 by pczekalski
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