
Translation priorities:

  1. I Priority (MUST): HomeLab Hardware
  2. II Priority (SHOULD): Practical Exercises
  3. III Priority (WOULD): All remaining content

Normal power consumption

  1. ATmega128 board
  • 0,1 A
  1. Digital i/o board
  • 0,42 A (LED, 7-seg, LCD)
  • LCD (very small)
  1. Sensor board
  • 0,12 A
  1. Motors board
  • 0,23 A DC motor
  • 0,3 A DC & Servo motor
  • 0,4 Bipolar stepper
  • 0,7 Bipolar stepper low motion
  • 1,0 A Digital i/o & Stepper low motion


  1. taktisignaal - ei oska vastet leida → clock
  2. Terminology (sulgudes, võimalikud valed kasutused):
    • [*] LEDs (LED-s) * [*] microcontroller (micro controller)
    • [*] Controller module * [*] HomeLab kit (Homelab kit, Home Lab)
    • [*] HomeLab Basic kit / HomeLab Advanced kit (Homelab, Home Lab, HomeLab advanced) * Actuator module, Sensor module (sensor module) * Actuators board, Sensors board (sensor board) * bipolar, unipolar stepper motor (bi-polar, uni-polar stepping motor) * Robotic HomeLab / Robotic & Mechatronic HomeLab (Mechatronic HomeLab) - Ühtlustada ülakoma kasutamine (konsulteerida keeleinimestega alternatiivide osas) - pildid osaliseld vanad (varjudega) - Mobile robot platform - ribakaabelühendus → ribbon cable? ===== Formatting ===== Capital letters: * Name of the hardware module * HomeLab kit * controller register e.g. PORTB and pin name e.g. PB3 * AVR controller name, e.g. ATmega, ATtiny Italic**
    • English terms in local language text. e.g. arenduskeskkond (Integrated development environment)
    • Reference to software or menu name: button, window, command, … , e.g. New Project, Compile

Wiki issues

  • kohati tekst katab järgmist rida (näiteks kui on sisene link)

Muudatused serveri failides

Bookgenerator loodud, et teha automaatselt dokuwiki lehtedest pdf e-book

Page break plugin

/homelab/lib/plugins/pagebreak/syntax.php connectTo funktsiooni lisatud


pattern kontrollimine render funktsiooni muudetud, mis html element lisatakse kui leitakse

<pagebreak> või <pagebreak>

. Ei tohi olla <br> Kood muudetud:

<div style=\"page-break-after:always;\">&nbsp;</div>
en/todo.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/20 09:00 by
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