Module: IoT Architectures, inc. Networks (M2)

Study level Master
ECTS credits 3
Study forms Hybrid or fully online
Module aims The Module aims to give an overview of different types of IoT networks, where they are applicable, and the pros and cons of different networks. Gives hands-on experience in designing, building, and implementing IoT networks.
Pre-requirements Has some understanding of IoT (passed module "Introduction to IoT")
Learning outcomes After completing this module, the student:
- knows IoT system architectures
- has an overview of networks (pros and cons) used in IoT systems
- knows what network topologies, design methodologies, and tools are used to build IoT networks
- can assemble and implement IoT networks
Topics Topic 1 - IoT Architecures
IoT networks (NFC, ZigBee, LoRA, Thread, GSM, Bluetooth, WiFi, BSM, other)
IoT system architectures
IoT network topologies
Industrial IoT systems
Topic 2 - IoT Network Design
IoT communication and networking technologies
IoT network design consideration and challenges
IoT network design methodologies
IoT network design tools
Type of assessment Prerequisite of a positive grade is a positive evaluation of module topics and presentation of practical work results with required documentation
Blended learning Along with MOOC course in hybrid mode.
References to
1. IOT-OPEN.EU, Introduction to the IoT 2nd Edition, 2024
2. Book 2
Lab equipment
Virtual lab
MOOC course
en/iot-reloaded/curriculum/networks.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/10 15:37 by pczekalski
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