
This chapter delves into blockchain technology. While often associated with cryptocurrency, blockchain is a flexible framework for securely storing, sharing, and protecting data across diverse domains. The chapter explores blockchain applications beyond financial transactions, widening readers' view of the technology and potential markets.

For developers, blockchain offers tools and encryption techniques for secure, distributed data storage. In business and finance, it enables decentralized transaction tracking without central authorities. Tech enthusiasts see it as a driver of the Internet's future, while others view it as a transformative tool for decentralizing control in society and the economy.

At its core, blockchain is a secure, distributed database powered by cryptography and distributed computing. Originating from Satoshi Nakamoto's innovative design, it enables global networks of computers to maintain a shared, tamper-resistant ledger. By fostering trust through technology rather than institutions, blockchain facilitates direct, secure collaboration, paving the way for new forms of global cooperation without reliance on traditional central entities.

The following subchapter introduces the concepts and applications of blockchains:

en/iot-reloaded/blockchain.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/09 11:44 by pczekalski
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