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The document offers sample curricula for Bachelor and Master level studies (see figure below) in the rapidly evolving field of the Internet of Things (IoT). These examples serve as a foundational framework that educational institutions worldwide can adapt and expand upon to design their unique study modules/courses.
The Bachelor study offers an introductive module titled “Introduction to IoT,” which is segmented into four primary topics. This structure ensures a focused and in-depth exploration of each topic area within the realm of the Internet of Things, providing students with a robust foundation in this innovative field. The topics are:
The structure offers the flexibility to tailor the module according to the needs of educational institutions. Schools and universities can choose to cover all of the topics for a total of 6 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits or opt for a focused topic such as “IoT Overview,” which awards 1 ECTS credit. This adaptable approach ensures that each educational institution can provide a learning experience that aligns with its educational objectives and the goals of its students.
The Master's level study is structured into six distinct modules, each designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. This modular approach ensures a robust and focused educational experience tailored to foster expertise and specialization in key areas of interest.
Each Master level study module is designed to award 3 ECTS credits. For added flexibility, there is also the option to amalgamate certain modules to suit individual academic requirements or interests better.
The following section delineates the architecture of the curriculum module in detail:
IOT-OPEN.EU Reloaded project delivers comprehensive Internet of Things (IoT) learning and teaching materials for various stakeholders and use cases. IoT contents have been organised into modules and are available in various forms:
IoT modules cover a wide range of IoT-related topics, and thus, they are logically organised for bachelors (beginners) and masters (advanced study). Modules can be used as a full course or selected, as each comprises a closed set of lectures and topics (cross-module references, however, are needed for understanding the basic concepts of IoT).
Project results are composed of 4 main pillars (intellectual results, see figure below):
Study level | Bachelor | |
ECTS credits | 3-6 | |
Study forms | Hybrid or fully online | |
Module aims | To give an introductory overview of IoT to students, where and how IoT solutions can be implemented, and what type of benefits implementing an IoT solution might offer. The module aims to give practical hands-on experience in creating simple IoT systems | |
Pre-requirements | Motivation to study IoT, recommended to have basics on programming, electronics and mechatronics | |
Learning outcomes | After completing this module, the student: - knows IoT concept and application fields - knows IoT technologies - understands the functionality of IoT components and their purpose in the system - can assemble and implement a simple IoT system |
Topics | Topic E1 - IoT Overview (1 ECTS) Definition of IoT Enabling Technologies Mobility – New Paradigm for IoT Systems Data Management Aspects in IoT IoT Application Domains Topic E2 - IoT Programming and Frameworks (2 ECTS)) Introduction to the IoT Microcontrollers Introduction to Embedded Programming IoT and Embedded Systems Programming Models Introduction to the Programming Frameworks Software Development Tools and Platforms C/C++ Language Embedded Programming Fundamentals Programming with the Use of Scripts Python Fundamentals for IoT Windows IoT and C# Fundamentals Topic E3 - IoT Hardware (2 ECTS) Introduction to the IoT Microcontrollers Embedded Communication IoT Hardware Overview Most Noticeable Platforms Sensors and Sensing Actuators and Output Devices Powering of the IoT Devices Topic E4 - IoT Communication and Networking (1 ECTS) Introduction to the IoT Communication and Networking Communication Stack Communication Models Media Layers - Wired Network Protocols Media Layers - Wireless Network Protocols Transport Layers Application Protocols Programming for IoT Networking IoT Frameworks and Firmware |
Type of assessment | The prerequisite of a positive grade is a positive evaluation of module topics and presentation of practical work results with required documentation | |
Blended learning | The practice is divided into two distinct parts. In the first part, students work independently to acquaint themselves with existing IoT devices, culminating in a comprehensive report. This phase aims to lay the foundational knowledge necessary for the subsequent task. The second part of the practice is conducted collaboratively as a team. Students are tasked with developing an IoT solution to address a specified problem. The problem's thematic focus may centre around concepts such as 'green campus' or 'green university,' encouraging solutions contributing to environmental sustainability. Upon completion of the second part, students must deliver a presentation detailing their collaborative efforts and the developed IoT system's functionality. This presentation serves not only as a demonstration of the practical application of their solution but also as an opportunity for peer and instructor feedback. |
References to literature | 1. IOT-OPEN.EU: Introduction to the IOT 2nd edition, 2024 2. Samuel Greengard, The Internet of Things, 2015, ISBN: 978-0262527736 3. Cuno Pfister. Getting Started with the Internet of Things: Connecting Sensors and Microcontrollers to the Cloud (Make: Projects), 2011, ISBN: 978-1449393571 |
Lab equipment | IoT HomeLab kit, VREL NextGen IoT laboratory, or similar | |
Virtual lab | VREL NextGen Remote lab access and management: | |
MOOC course | MOOC Courses hosting for IOT-OPEN.EU Reloaded and Multiasm grants: - IoT Basic Modules |
Study level | Master | |
ECTS credits | 3 | |
Study forms | Hybrid or fully online | |
Module aims | To develop students' knowledge of methodologies for designing IoT systems. To offer practical experience in designing and modelling an IoT system. | |
Pre-requirements | Has some understanding of IoT (passed module "Introduction to IoT") | |
Learning outcomes | After completing this module, the student: - has an overview of existing design methodologies - understands the IoT system design concepts - understands the SysML concept and uses it to model the IoT system - understands the system thinking concepts and tools |
Topics | Introduction to IoT design methodologies IoT system design principles IoT System design goals IoT System design challenges System thinking and IoT design methodology System modeling |
Type of assessment | Prerequisite of a positive grade is a positive evaluation of module topics and presentation of practical work results with required documentation | |
Blended learning | The practical work is conducted collaboratively. The IoT system is designed using the SysML modelling technique, encompassing the following components: a requirements diagram; a block definition diagram (depicting system architecture); an internal block diagram (detailing information flow and component interactions); a use case diagram; an activity diagram (illustrating system behaviour); and requirement validation. Based on the system's description, students construct a mock-up IoT system. Upon completion, students present and report on the designed IoT system, demonstrating its functionality. Additionally, students are expected to employ systems thinking concepts and tools, such as causal loop diagrams, stocks and flows, etc., to design IoT systems. Along with MOOC courses in hybrid mode. | |
References to literature | 1. IOT-OPEN.EU, Introduction to the IoT 2nd Edition, 2024 2. Samuel Greengard, The Internet of Things, 2015, ISBN: 978-0262527736 3. Sensors and Microcontrollers to the Cloud (Make: Projects), 2011, ISBN: 978-1449393571 4. Sanford Friedenthal, Rick Steiner, Alan Moore, Practical Guide to SysML: The Systems Modeling Language 3rd edition, 2014, ISBN: 9780128002025 5. Lenny Delligatti, SysML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Systems Modeling Language, 2013, ISBN: 9780321927866 6. The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of Learning Organisation by Peter M. Senge 7. Thinking in Systems: A Primer by Donella H. Meadows |
Lab equipment | 1. Vensim (software) 2. Visual Paradigm (software) |
Virtual lab | | |
MOOC course | |
Study level | Master | |
ECTS credits | 3 | |
Study forms | Hybrid or fully online | |
Module aims | The Module aims to give an overview of different types of IoT networks, where they are applicable, and the pros and cons of different networks. Gives hands-on experience in designing, building, and implementing IoT networks. | |
Pre-requirements | Has some understanding of IoT (passed module "Introduction to IoT") | |
Learning outcomes | After completing this module, the student: - knows IoT system architectures - has an overview of networks (pros and cons) used in IoT systems - knows what network topologies, design methodologies, and tools are used to build IoT networks - can assemble and implement IoT networks |
Topics | Topic 1 - IoT Architecures IoT networks (NFC, ZigBee, LoRA, Thread, GSM, Bluetooth, WiFi, BSM, other) IoT system architectures IoT network topologies Industrial IoT systems Topic 2 - IoT Network Design IoT communication and networking technologies IoT network design consideration and challenges IoT network design methodologies IoT network design tools |
Type of assessment | Prerequisite of a positive grade is a positive evaluation of module topics and presentation of practical work results with required documentation | |
Blended learning | Along with MOOC course in hybrid mode. | |
References to literature | 1. IOT-OPEN.EU, Introduction to the IoT 2nd Edition, 2024 2. Book 2 |
Lab equipment | ||
Virtual lab | ||
MOOC course | |
Study level | Master | |
ECTS credits | 3 | |
Study forms | Hybrid or fully online | |
Module aims | The key aim of the course is to familiarize the students with the most important groundbreaking information technologies used in manipulating, storing, and near-real-time analyzing of data in IoT systems. | |
Pre-requirements | Has some understanding of IoT (passed module "Introduction to IoT") | |
Learning outcomes | After completing this course, the student: - identifies challenges in Data analytics - recognize main tools and frameworks for Data analytics - knows what are regression, clustering, and classification models - has overview of time series analysis in IoT - can apply data analytics on real-life IoT use case |
Topics | IoT Data Analysis Data products development Data preparation for data analysis Regression models Clustering models Classification models Introduction to time series analysis Hints for further readings on AI |
Type of assessment | Prerequisite of a positive grade is a positive evaluation of course topics and presentation of practical work results with required documentation | |
Blended learning | Along with MOOC course in hybrid mode. | |
References to literature | 1. M Vergin Raja Sarobin, J Ranjith, D Ashwath, K Vinithi, Smiti, V Khushi, Comparative Analysis of Various Feature Extraction Methods on IoT 2023, Procedia Computer Science (2024) Elsevier. 2. Dina Fawzy, Sherin M. Moussa, Nagwa L. Badr, An IoT-based resource utilization framework using data fusion for smart environments, Internet of Things, (2023) Elsevier. |
Lab equipment | ||
Virtual lab | ||
MOOC course | |
Study level | Master | |
ECTS credits | 3 | |
Study forms | Hybrid or fully online | |
Module aims | The module aims to give an introductory overview of the security issues pertaining to IoT solutions. What are the usual topics that need to be considered from a security point of view when building an IoT system? | |
Pre-requirements | The student/learner has based following modules: - Introduction to IoT - IoT Architectures, inc. Networks |
Learning outcomes | After completing this module, the student: - has an overview of cybersecurity concepts in IoT systems - understands the cybersecurity challenges and vulnerabilities in IoT system - knows how to secure and defend IoT systems against cyber-attacks - can implement best cybersecurity practices on IoT systems |
Topics | Topic - Cybersecurity in IoT systems Cybersecurity Concepts IoT Hardware and Cybersecurity IoT Cybersecurity Challenges Vulnerabilities in IoT Systems IoT Attack Vectors IoT Security Technologies IoT Data Storage Security |
Type of assessment | The Prerequisite of a positive grade is a positive evaluation of module topics and presentation of practical work results with required documentation | |
Blended learning | Along with an MOOC course in hybrid mode. | |
References to literature | 1. Jean-Paul A. Yaacoub, Hassan N. Noura, Ola Salman, Ali Chehab, Ethical hacking for IoT: Security issues, challenges, solutions and recommendations, Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems 3 (2023) 280–308, Elsevier. 2. Gustavo González-Granadillo, Susana González-Zarzosa, Rodrigo Diaz, Security Information and Event Management (SIEM): Analysis, Trends, and Usage in Critical Infrastructures, Sensors, MDPI. 3. Cybersecurity: A self-teaching introduction by C. P. Gupta and K. K. Goval, M ERCURY L EARNING AND INFORMATION, Dulles, Virginia. 4. Introduction to cybersecurity by Jeetendra Pande, Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani. 5. Principles of Cyber Security by DR Babasaheb Ambedkar, Open University. |
Lab equipment | ||
Virtual lab | ||
MOOC course | |
Study level | Master | |
ECTS credits | 3 | |
Study forms | Hybrid or fully online | |
Module aims | To develop students' understanding of using BlockChain technology to ensure data integrity. Give examples of how to implement BlockChain in IoT systems. | |
Pre-requirements | The student/learner has passed following module: "IoT Security" |
Learning outcomes | After completing this module, the student: - Understand Blockchain tehnology - Knows uses of Blockchain in IoT - Knows IoT blockchain Frameworks - Can implement simple blockchain to ensure data integrity |
Topics | Topic - Blockchain Key concepts of blockchain Blockchain network structures and technologies Second generation applications Expanded application of Blockchain |
Type of assessment | Prerequisite of a positive grade is a positive evaluation of module topics and presentation of practical work results with required documentation | |
Blended learning | Along with MOOC course in hybrid mode. | |
References to literature | 1. Vinay Gugueoth, Sunitha Safavat, Sachin Shetty, Danda Rawat, A review of IoT security and privacy using decentralized blockchain techniques, Computer Science Review (2023) 100585, Elsevier. 2. Junwei Zhang, Zhuzhu Wang, Lei Shang, Di Lu, Jianfeng Ma, BTNC: A blockchain-based trusted network connection protocol in IoT, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (2020), Elsevier. |
Lab equipment | ||
Virtual lab | ||
MOOC course | |
Study level | Master | |
ECTS credits | 3 | |
Study forms | Classical, hybrid or fully online | |
Module aims | The module aims to give an overview of sustainable design and energy-efficient solutions in IoT systems, which are implemented in Green IoT (interconnections, network architectures, communication protocols, and the energy efficiency of devices/things). Gives hands-on experience in designing and building Green IoT systems. | |
Pre-requirements | The student has based following modules: - Introduction to IoT - IoT Design Methodologies - IoT Architectures, inc. Networks - Data Analytics |
Learning outcomes | After completing this module, the student: - has an overview of Green IoT design (energy efficient design, mechanisms, computing, etc.) and sample use cases - understands the main design criteria for the Green IoT - knows what energy sources are used for IoT systems and how to select them - can design and assemble green IoT system |
Topics | Topic - Green IoT Green IoT design Green IoT energy-efficient design and mechanisms Design consideration for energy sources for IoT devices Energy sources for IoT Energy harvesting for IoT systems Energy efficient computing Green IoT design trade-offs Green IoT Applications |
Type of assessment | Prerequisite of a positive grade is a positive evaluation of module topics and presentation of practical work results with required documentation | |
Blended learning | Along with MOOC course in hybrid mode | |
References to literature | 1. Bandana Mahapatra and Anand Nayyar, “Green Internet of Things”, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2023, 978-1-003-20450-3. 2. Zhenyu Zhou and Zheng Chang and Haijun Liao, “Green Internet of Things (IoT): Energy Efficiency Perspective (Wireless Networks)”, Springer, 2021. 3. Ali Eslami Varjovi and Shahram Babaie, “Green Internet of Things (GIoT): Vision, applications and research challenges”, Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, 28 (2020) 100448, Elsevier, 2023. 4. Mohammed H. Alsharif and Abu Jahid and Anabi Hilary Kelechi and Raju Kannadasan, “Green IoT: A Review and Future Research Directions”, Symmetry, 15, 757, 2023. 5. Kuaban G. Suila, Gelenbe E, Czachórski T, Czekalski P, Tangka J. Kewir. 2023. Modelling of the Energy Depletion Process and Battery Depletion Attacks for Battery-Powered Internet of Things (IoT) Devices. Sensors. 23(6183). 6. Kuaban G. Suila, Czachórski T, Gelenbe E, Sharma S, Czekalski P. In Press. A Markov model for a Self-Powered Green IoT Device with State-Dependent Energy Consumption. Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Communications, Information, Electronic and Energy Systems (CIEES 2023), |
Lab equipment | Programming of the devices regarding power consumption: a laboratory node with a power meter. | |
Virtual lab | Not applicable | |
MOOC course | |