
IOT-OPEN.EU Reloaded Consortium partners proudly present the Advanced IoT Systems book. The complete list of contributors is juxtaposed below.

Riga Technical University
  • Agris Nikitenko, Ph. D., Eng.
  • Karlis Berkolds, M. sc., Eng.
Silesian University of Technology
  • Piotr Czekalski, Ph. D., Eng.
  • Krzysztof Tokarz, Ph. D., Eng.
  • Godlove Suila Kuaban, M. sc., Eng.
Tallinn University of Technology
  • Raivo Sell, Ph. D., ING-PAED IGIP
External Contributors
  • DCB Distribution & Consulting Becker, Friedhelm Becker

Graphic Design and Images

  • Blanka Czekalska, M. sc., Eng., Arch.
  • Piotr Czekalski, Ph. D., Eng.
en/iot-reloaded/authors.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/10 11:00 by pczekalski
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