
This book and its offshoots were prepared to provide comprehensive information about the Internet of Things on the engineering level.
Its goal is to introduce IoT to bachelor students, master students, technology enthusiasts and engineers willing to extend their current knowledge with the latest hardware and software achievements in the scope of the Internet of Things.
This book is also designated for teachers and educators willing to prepare a course on IoT.

We (Authors) assume that persons willing to study this content possess some general knowledge about IT technology, e.g. understand what an embedded system is, know the general idea of programming (in C/C++) and are aware of wired and wireless networking as it exists nowadays.

This book constitutes a comprehensive manual for IoT technology; however, it is not a complete encyclopedia nor exhausts the market. The reason for it is pretty simple – IoT is so rapidly changing technology that new devices, ideas and implementations appear daily. Once you read this book, you can quickly move over the IoT environment and market, easily chasing ideas and implementing your IoT infrastructure.

We also believe this book will help adults who took their technical education some time ago to update their knowledge.

We hope this book will let you find brilliant ideas in your professional life, see a new hobby, or even start an innovative business.

Playing with real or virtual hardware and software is always fun, so keep going!

en/iot-open/preface.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/21 23:01 by pczekalski
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