Green IoT Design

Green IoT design is an IoT design paradigm based on a holistic IoT design framework that focuses on maintaining a balanced trade-off between the functional requirements, Quality of Service (QoS), interoperability, Cost, security, and sustainability within the IoT ecosystem. It emphasises the need to prioritise energy efficiency and the reduction of waste in the IoT ecosystem from manufacturing IoT devices, deployment of IoT systems and operation of IoT systems.

The emergence of modern technologies such as Fifth Generation (5G) mobile networks, blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and fog/cloud computing are unlocking new IoT use cases in various industries and sectors of the modern technology-driven economy or society. As a result, the number of IoT devices connected to the Internet and the volume of traffic generated from IoT infrastructures will increase significantly, increasing the energy demand in the IoT ecosystem. The result is an increase in the carbon footprint and e-waste (especially from battery-powered IoT devices) from IoT-related services or the IoT ecosystem.

An effective green IoT strategy should span the entire IoT product lifecycle from the design to production (manufacturing) to the deployment, operations and maintenance, and recycling. The primary goal in each stage is to reduce energy consumption, adopt sustainable resources (e.g., harvesting energy from sustainable energy sources, using sustainable materials) usage, minimise e-waste and other pollutants, and adopt recycling of resource or waste. Therefore, a shift toward Green IoT (GIoT) emphasises the need to adopt energy-efficient practices and processes prioritising resource conservation, waste reduction, and environmental sustainability[1].

Green IoT design is a design framework consisting of design, production, implementation, deployment, and operation choices to reduce energy consumption and waste from the IoT ecosystem. They are energy-efficient strategies devised to reduce the carbon footprint from manufacturing, deploying, and operating IoT systems (IoT sensor devices, networking nodes, data centres or computing devices). They are also strategies devised to reduce the waste from IoT infrastructures. They may involve hardware, software, management or policy decisions. Green IoT strategies can be grouped into the following categories: green IoT design, green IoT manufacturing, green IoT manufacturing, green IoT applications, green IoT operation, and green IoT disposal.


Green use (Green operation)

Reducing the energy consumption from the operation of IoT systems

Green disposal

Reducing the amount of waste created from the deployment and operation of IoT systems (effecient maintenance, re-use, recycling).

Green IoT design

Designing of IoT hardware, software, management systems, and policies considering the requirement of minimising the energy consumption, carbon footprint and the environmental impact of IoT systems. One of the design goal should be to implement energy-efficient stratgies to reduce energy consumption and to develope stratgies to minimise the amount of e-waste produce from the IoT systems and infratuctures. Green IoT design techniques includes: Green hardware, green communication and networking infrastructure, green software, green architecture, green software, energy-efficient security mechanisms, and energy harvesting.

Green IoT manufacturing

Energy-efficient manufactring infrastructure for IoT hardware. With the expectation to connect hundreds of billions or trillion of IoT devices to satisfy the demand for IoT to improve various sectors or industries on the evolving tech-driven economy, the carbon footprint from factories manufacturing IoT devices will be enormous. Also, the manufactured for IoT systems should also be energy efficient.

[1] Corey Glickman, “Green IoT: The shift to practical sustainability.” (, July 2023, Accessed on Aug. 24, 2023
[2] Thilakarathne, Navod Neranjan and Kagita, Mohan Krishna and Priyashan, WD Madhuka “Green internet of things: The next generation energy efficient internet of things.”Applied Information Processing Systems: Proceedings of ICCET 2021, pp. 391-402, 2022, Springer
en/iot-reloaded/iot_green_design.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/24 06:51 (external edit)
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