VREL Raspberry-Arduino
Arduino based remote lab can be included into DistanceLab environement via Raspberry programming server.
Reccommended hardware set:
Raspberry Pi Model B ver 3
Power Supply
SD card
HD Webcam C270 - Logitech
Arduino Uno (or clone)
USB cable between Raspberry and Arduino
Set-up and connection
Install default Rasbian from raspberrypi.org and establish internet connection for Raspberry Pi
Connect webcam to Raspberry Pi USB port
Connect Arduino to another Raspberry Pi USB port
Mount LCD shield on the top of Arduino and connect temperature sensor and servo motor to analog inputs
Point camera to view Arduino LCD (check focus - C270 would approx. 40 cm)
Make sure that Raspberry ports 22 and 8080 (you can use whatever open port you want for webcamera) are accessible from outside of organization network
Send ip address and Raspberry credentials to developer (ITT Group contact person)