VREL Raspberry-Arduino

Arduino based remote lab can be included into DistanceLab environement via Raspberry programming server.

Reccommended hardware set:

  1. Raspberry Pi Model B ver 3
    • Power Supply
    • Case
    • SD card
  2. HD Webcam C270 - Logitech
  3. Arduino Uno (or clone)
  4. 1610 LCD shield with analog pinout (e.g. Itead Keypad Shield)
  5. Temperature sensor with voltage divider (e.g. Thermistor NTC 10K + voltage divider wire)
  6. Small servo motor (e.g. Servo micro)
  7. USB cable between Raspberry and Arduino

Set-up and connection

  • Install default Rasbian from raspberrypi.org and establish internet connection for Raspberry Pi
  • Connect webcam to Raspberry Pi USB port
  • Connect Arduino to another Raspberry Pi USB port
  • Mount LCD shield on the top of Arduino and connect temperature sensor and servo motor to analog inputs
  • Point camera to view Arduino LCD (check focus - C270 would approx. 40 cm)
  • Make sure that Raspberry ports 22 and 8080 (you can use whatever open port you want for webcamera) are accessible from outside of organization network
  • Send ip address and Raspberry credentials to developer (ITT Group contact person)
en/iot-open/vreal-arduino.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/20 09:00 by
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