
This page keeps track of the content reviews and versions done as a continuous maintenance process

Table 1: Versions and Content Updates
# Version Change Date Content updates summary Other comments
1 v 0.1 01.01.2019 Preliminary content
2 v 0.2 11.08.2019 Fixed pre publishing for limited number of labs
3 v 0.3 29.10.2019 Reorganised chapters to fit ToC
4 v 0.4 29.10.2019 Layout correction
5 v 0.5 29.10.2019 Images standardisation and code wrapping
6 v 0.6 28.04.2020 VREL nodes 8-11 description (no scenarios yet)
7 v 0.7 05.05.2020 VREL nodes 8-11 scenarios and reorganisation of the ToC
8 v 0.8 06.05.2020 VREL nodes 8-11 platformio.ini update
9 v 0.9 07.05.2020 VREL nodes 8-11 platformio.ini update
10 v 0.91 12.05.2020 VREL nodes 8-11 platformio.ini update, U9 scenario added There is a problem with BMP280 library (still) unsolved in some cases.
11 v 0.92 17.05.2020 U7 scenario updated
12 v 0.93 21.05.2020 lib_deps updated for nodes #1 through #4
13 v 0.95 26.05.2020 platformio.ini general section
14 v 0.96 06.06.2020 platformio.ini sections removed from the nodes
15 v 0.97 26.02.2021 VREL nodes 1-4 changed from DHT22 to DHT 11
16 v.0.98 11.05.2021 platformio.ini updated libraries for CoAP client
17 v.0.99 08.06.2021 Updated B7 scenario
18 v.1.00 11.06.2021 Recovery code for the I2C bus (LCD display)
en/iot-open/versions-pract.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/11 09:00 (external edit)
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