Industrial IoT


Industry 4.0 is a concept to digitalise industrial systems and factories. Internet of Things is one of the critical components to be successful in digitalisation. System monitoring, data collection, predictive maintenance, energy efficiency and many others are central topics of IoT.

In this project, an industrial production line efficiency monitoring system will be developed and demonstrated.


This is the Festo flexible manufacturing line. You need to create a proper sensor system which monitors the machine usage of a particular unit. There will be 3 different workstations which need to be controlled. Current values will be transferred to the operator. The operator must be able to set warning setpoints on which he/she will be notified by a buzzer. For example, when the current rises above the allowed value, the alarm will be sound. In this task you need to set up:

  • An encoder that is monitoring the workload of the conveyor belt. The controller will send information about how much the belt has moved.
  • A current sensor that is following the electrical power consumed by the machine. The controller will send the current amperage.
  • A PIR (Passive infrared) sensor that will monitor human movement in the working area. The controller will send a notification if it detects movement.
  • An HMI (Human-Machine Interface) that the operator can use to check the beforementioned data. It must be possible to check the values and the warning setpoints of each of the sensors.

Hardware description

Module Description
Controller module. The controller module is a low-cost Wi-Fi chip with full TCP/IP stack and MCU (microcontroller unit) capability. This small module allows microcontrollers to connect to a Wi-Fi network and make simple TCP/IP connections using Hayes-style commands. The controller can be connected with Micro USB connection or with WIFI connection.
Sensor module. Sensor module interfaces different sensors and also small actuators like RC servo motor. In this task, the sensor module will be used with the rotary encoder and AC sensor.
PIR module. PIR sensors allow you to sense motion of warm objects; it is almost always used to detect whether a human has moved in or out of the sensors range.
Buzzer module. Buzzer module purpose is to signal the user when an event occurs. In this task, the buzzer will be sound if measured values go over the warning limits.
Button module. Button module will be used to interact with the HMI. For example to switch pages.
OLED module.OLED module will be used for HMI display.

The current sensor will be attached to the power cables of the machine.

The PIR sensor will be positioned above the working area of the machine.

The encoder will be attached to the conveyor belt.

And the button module with the HMI module will be on the operator's work desk.

Remote lab instructions

  1. Log into your account at
  2. From under “My site” go to “My devices”.
  3. If you already have something booked then click on the “Book” link or icon.
  4. Choose available IoT device.
  5. Click on the “Book” link or icon.
  6. Choose your preferred end date by clicking on the empty field and then clicking on a date. Press save when you are done.
  7. Go back to “My devices” and choose the IoT device.
  8. In the code editor window click on the “Select Files” and under “Example Files” choose the example programs for the modules used in this project.
  9. Start coding.

Running your code:

  1. While having the code you want to run open click on “Compile”.
  2. Wait for the compiler to finish and check for errors.
  3. If the compiler was successful, then click on “Execute”.

Saving your code:

  1. While having the code you want to save open click on “Save file as..”.
  2. Enter a name for your code and press “Ok”.
  3. To open your code, you can choose it from under “User files”.

Steps to solve the problem

  1. Study current sensor and encoder working principles and output signals
  2. Study control hardware and messaging logic
  3. Develop a factory monitoring system network concept
  4. Connect hardware and interface them with remote programming lab
  5. Make a software code for all nodes in the system
  6. Run the code and validate the results
en/iot-open/project/project3.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/20 09:00 by
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