Studyboard ‚Basic’ includes three outputs (LED) and three inputs (microswitch) LEDs are connected to PORTC[3..5] and switches PORTC[0..2].
This simple examples demonstrates how to switch on LED when pushing appropriate switch.
Connection schema:
Example C code:
/* Labor 1 example Example works with Studyboard Basic v3 Press S1 - LED1 goes ON Press S2 - LED2 goes ON Press S31 - LED3 goes ON Raivo Sell 2008 LED = 0 (ON) LED = 1 (OFF) S = 0 (ON) S = 1 (OFF) PORT direction: 1-output 0-input */ #include <avr\io.h> //defineeritakse kõrge bit pordis x #define SET(x) |= (1<<x) //defineeritakse madal bit pordis x #define CLR(x) &=~(1<<x) int main(void) { DDRC = 0x38; // DDRC 0bXX111000 PORTC = 0x3F; // PORTC 0bXX111111 //Lõputu tsükkel while(1) { // Kui toimub nupule vajutus if (bit_is_clear(PINC, 0)) //Nupp S1 PORTC CLR(3); //LED 1 sisse else if (bit_is_clear(PINC, 1))//Nupp S2 PORTC CLR(4); //LED 2 sisse else if (bit_is_clear(PINC, 2))//Nupp S3 PORTC CLR(5); //LED 3 sisse else //Kui pole midagi vajutatud PORTC=0xFF; //LED lülitatakse välja (LED=1) } }