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en:multiasm:authors [2024/07/03 12:48] – created pczekalskien:multiasm:authors [2024/07/05 06:52] (current) pczekalski
Line 9: Line 9:
   * Agris Nikitenko, Ph. D., Eng.   * Agris Nikitenko, Ph. D., Eng.
   * Karlis Berkolds, M. sc., Eng.   * Karlis Berkolds, M. sc., Eng.
-  * <todo @pczekaslki>Add Erics</todo>+  * Eriks Klavins, M. sc., Eng.
 **Silesian University of Technology** **Silesian University of Technology**
Line 16: Line 16:
   * Godlove Suila Kuaban, Ph. D., Eng.   * Godlove Suila Kuaban, Ph. D., Eng.
-**HVL** +**Western Norway University of Applied Sciences** 
-  * <todo @pczekalski>Add HVL full name and implementors</todo>+  * <todo @mfojcik>Add data</todo>
en/multiasm/authors.1720010893.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/03 12:48 by pczekalski
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