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en:iot-open:introduction:introduction_to_iot_communication_and_protocols [2019/05/25 11:51] irena.skardaen:iot-open:introduction:introduction_to_iot_communication_and_protocols [2020/07/20 09:00] (current) – external edit
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 ===== Embedded Systems Communication Protocols ===== ===== Embedded Systems Communication Protocols =====
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 +<box #5374d5></box>
 Understanding the principals of communication are essential for further reading on hardware and programming. Most microcontrollers (including SoCs) can communicate in the protocols juxtaposed below right "out of the box". Interfaces can be implemented in hardware or (recently) in software. Some microcontrollers may require an external, dedicated protocol converter (a chip or a module). Understanding the principals of communication are essential for further reading on hardware and programming. Most microcontrollers (including SoCs) can communicate in the protocols juxtaposed below right "out of the box". Interfaces can be implemented in hardware or (recently) in software. Some microcontrollers may require an external, dedicated protocol converter (a chip or a module).
en/iot-open/introduction/introduction_to_iot_communication_and_protocols.1558785103.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/20 09:00 (external edit)
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