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en:bookcreator [2012/04/26 14:00] raivo.sellen:bookcreator [2024/11/26 09:11] (current) raivo.sell
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Book generating ======+====== Book development ======
-  - Click generator [[http://home.roboticlab.eu/bookcreator.php?lang=en&toc=toc&book=book|link]] +===== Active books =====
-  - Assign book template for output (en:book) in [[http://home.roboticlab.eu/en/bookcreator?do=admin&page=loadskin|Admin - Templates]] +
-  - Open book with Mozilla Firefox. [[en:book|Link]].  +
-  - Save webpage to disk with full content with name "book.htm"+
-  - Open Prince +
-  - Add "book.htm" to "Documents" window. +
-  - Add three CSS files to "Stylesheets" window. +
-  - Add "page.css" as a last stylesheet. +
-  - In the configuration tab, set document type to HTML. +
-  - Press Convert or GO in the toolbar. +
-  - Delete first pages of generated PDF with Acrobat and add title pages+
 +==== IoT.Open.eu Reloaded ====
 +      * [[en:iot-reloaded:curriculum]]
 +      * [[en:iot-reloaded:toc]]
 +      * [[en:iot-open:practical:toc]]
 +==== MultiASM ====
 +      * [[en:multiasm:curriculum]]
 +      * [[en:multiasm:toc]]
 +==== SafeAV ====
 +      * [[en:safeav:curriculum]]
 +      * [[en:safeav:toc]]
 +      * [[en:safeav:handson]]
 +      * [[en:safeav:practical]]
 +==== Finished books ====
 +        * [[en:toc|AVR & Microcontrollers Book]]
 +==== IoT.Open.eu ====
 +        * [[en:iot-open:toc]]
 +        * [[en:iot-open:toc2]]
 +        * [[en:iot-open:toc2-practical]]
 +===== New book preparation guideline =====
 +  - Create a new page for new book
 +  - Add links to the beginning of page: [[https://www.roboticlab.eu/book/pdf/newbook.pdf|Current version of PDF]] & [[https://www.roboticlab.eu/book/bookcreator3.php?toc=en/newbook/curriculum&name=newbook|Generate new PDF!]]
 +  - Add ToC links after generator links (e.g. Basic information:  * [[en:safeav:disclaimer]])
 +  - Modify links by identifying name of new book (3 replacements of 'newbook')
 +  - Generate title and endpage for new book in PDF format
 +  - Upload the title and endbook pdf-s to the server
 +  - Check the generator for errors
 +  - Modify CSS if needed to change the format
en/bookcreator.1335448842.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/20 09:00 (external edit)
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