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HomeLab Kit

Robotic HomeLab is an ATmega2561 microcontroller based inter-related set of modules that are contained in a portable case. Various mechatronic and robotic experiments and exercises can be carried out with Robotic HomeLab kit, ranging from a simple flashing light to a complex device construction. Robotic HomeLab is primarily intended for schools and universities, as it includes methodological materials and exercises with solutions in addition to hardware. Robotic HomeLab has been integrated into a web environment, which is aimed for students and teachers to boost interaction between each other. In short, the Robotic HomeLab kit is a mobile tools suite with the purpose of learning and practicing at home, school or workplace.

Robotic HomeLab kit has been developed by Tallinn University of Technology and Estonian company ITT Group in cooperation with European partner universities and Leonardo da Vinci program support. Robotic HomeLab modules are bundled into different kits. The basic suite, which teaches simple digital input and output operations, is called Robotic HomeLab Basic kit. The Add-on kit contains a modules and components for sensor, motor and communication experiments. Several additional modules are integrated with Robotic HomeLab kit for advanced study like RFID technology, machine vision and WiFi.

The Robotic HomeLab Basic kit and Add-on kit modules and components can be successfully used as a robot base platform and other mechatronics control systems. Robotic HomeLab versions are constantly evolving and, therefore every now and then please check whether new exercises have been published or module updates have been released. It is also worthwhile to check the version numbers of modules, some of the exercises and examples are available in newer versions. Significant value to Robotic HomeLab is added by VirtualLab and DistanceLab. DistanceLab allows Robotic HomeLab hardware platform to be used through the web.

HomeLab webpage

DistanceLab webpage

en/kit.1595244385.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/20 09:00 (external edit)
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