Configuring IoT modules

In this page, we will explain how you can configure the IoT Homelab modules for your router and selected MQTT broker. To configure the modules you will need:

  1. Wifi name and password.
  2. MQTT broker IP adress, port and username and password (if using password protected broker).
  3. A laptop/PC with WiFi connection and a program capable of HTTP POST request.

Required software

To configure the IoT Homelab modules you will need some kind of a program that allows to make a HTTP POST request. In this tutorial we will be using Advanced REST Client (ARC) that can be downloaded here.

Connecting to the module

If you run Configuration mode example and push a button, then the module will go to configuration mode. That means it will create a Wifi access point that you can connect to with your laptop.

After that, you should see it in the Wifi list of your device.

Handling the ARC program

After opening the ARC program. First select the POST method. After that type

in the Request URL field. Then select the Body parameter and copy the following line there:


If you are using the Raspberry image we provided then only change the dname field. If you are using some other broker then you have to change all fields according to your setup. The fields are as following:

dnameName of the controller module. It is recommended to write the name physically on the module to avoid getting them mixed up.
wnameThe SSID of the Wifi router you wish to connect to
wpassThe password for that Wifi connection
msrvThe IP address of the MQTT broker
mportThe port for the MQTT broker (Usually 1883 is used for connections without SSL and 8883 for connections with SSL.
muserThe username for the MQTT broker. Only relevant when using a broker with SSL.
mpassThe password for MQTT broker. Only relevant when using a broker with SSL.
mssl A boolean that shows if SSL is used or not.

Once you have configured the fields as necessary press SEND to upload the configuration to the module. After a few seconds the following success indicator should appear after the body field. If it fails check if the connection with the module is still active and if you do not have any formatting mistakes.

en/iot/examples/setup/arcconf.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/04 10:00 (external edit)
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