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en:examples [2018/12/20 15:34] raivo.sellen:examples [Unknown date] (current) – external edit (Unknown date)
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-====== Practical Examples ======+====== AVR Practical Examples ======
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 Practical examples are built up in uniform style and as concrete as possible. Each example begins with a short introduction of the theory and gives necessary knowledges for completing the following practical part. Practical part contains commented example of the source code of the software. Generally the library of the HomeLab is used in the example of the code, but in some cases the registers are also configured. The first chapter is a little bit different with a bit different goal. It describes installation and set-up of necessary software. The examples are about Windows and Linux operation systems. Chapters and practical examples after the first chapter are suitable for both OS and development software. Practical examples are built up in uniform style and as concrete as possible. Each example begins with a short introduction of the theory and gives necessary knowledges for completing the following practical part. Practical part contains commented example of the source code of the software. Generally the library of the HomeLab is used in the example of the code, but in some cases the registers are also configured. The first chapter is a little bit different with a bit different goal. It describes installation and set-up of necessary software. The examples are about Windows and Linux operation systems. Chapters and practical examples after the first chapter are suitable for both OS and development software.
 **Buildup** **Buildup**
en/examples.1545320067.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/20 09:00 (external edit)
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