Table of Contents

Quickstart guide

Configuring the development environment

Download and install VS Code from here

Install Python on Windows

Download Python from here

Before installing check the Add Python to PATH

Install Python on Linux

Open terminal and check if you have Python 3 installed.

$ python3 --version

If you don't have Python 3 installed then run the following command.

$ sudo apt install python3

Wether you already had Python installed or not, you need to run the following command.

$ sudo apt install python3-distutils

Installing PlatformIO IDE on VS Code

  1. Click on the Extensions icon or press Ctrl+Shift+X to open the extensions tab
  2. Search for “PlatformIO IDE”
  3. Select the first option
  4. Click the Install button

After installing make sure the extension is enabled.

After that, the PlatformIO icon should appear on the left sidebar and a Home icon redirects you to PlatformIO home. If not, restart Visual Studio Code.

Creating your first project

Using PlatformIO IDE

On VS Code, click on the PlartfomIO Home icon. Click on + New Project to start a new project.

Give your project a name, select the board WeMos D1 MINI ESP32 (WEMOS) and the framework as Arduino Framework

After finishing the setup the project should be accessible from the explorer tab.

platformio.ini file

The platformio.ini file is the PlatformIO Configuration File for your project. It shows the platform, board, and framework for your project. You can also add other configurations like libraries to be included, upload options, changing the Serial Monitor baud rate and other configurations.

Add the following line to include the ITTIoT Library and other parameters (check correct port instead of example COM3):

upload_speed = 921600
upload_port = COM3
//upload_port = COM3 // In case of Linux /dev/ttyUSB0
monitor_speed = 115200
lib_deps = ITTIoT

src folder

The src folder is your working folder. Under the src folder, there’s a main.cpp file. That’s where you write your code. Click on that file. The structure of an Arduino program should open with the setup() and loop() functions.

Paste the following example code to main.cpp

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ittiot.h>
void iot_received(String topic, String msg){
    Serial.print("MSG FROM USER callback, topic: ");
    Serial.print(" payload: ");
void iot_connected(){
    Serial.println("MQTT connected callback");
    iot.log("Hello from ESP!");
void setup() {
    iot.setConfig("wname", "myWiFi"); //Your wifi name
    iot.setConfig("wpass", "myPassword"); // Your wifi password
    iot.setConfig("msrv", ""); // Your MQTT broker IP
    iot.setConfig("mport", ""); // Your MQTT broker port - default: 1883
    iot.setConfig("muser", ""); // Your MQTT broker user name - default empty
    iot.setConfig("mpass", ""); // Your MQTT broker password - default empty
    iot.printConfig(); // print json config to serial
void loop() {

Make sure to replace the connection information with yours.

Uploading code using PlatformIO IDE

To test and upload your code, first save your code and then click on the Build icon at the bottom of the editor to verify that your code can be run. After a successful build, press the Upload icon. Alternatively, you can go to the PIO Project Tasks menu and select build or upload from there.

Verifying the connection

If the code is compiled and uploaded successfully, a serial monitor should have automatically opened, and you should see live data from the controller like:

If the serial monitor does not open automatically, click the button below:

This means the code was successfully uploaded, and the board was connected to the MQTT server.

Install the MQTTBox chrome app to publish and subscribe messages to the MQTT server.

Configure the connection with your details and publish a message to the topic that your board is listening to (mytopic in the example)

The board should receive the message and print it out on the serial monitor: