Cybersecurity in IoT Systems

There is widespread adoption of IoT systems and services in various industries, such as health care, agriculture, smart manufacturing, smart energy systems, intelligent transport systems, logistics (supply chain management), smart homes, smart cities, and security and safety. The primary goal of incorporating IoT into existing systems in various industries is to improve productivity and efficiency. Despite the enormous advantages of integrating IoT into existing systems in various industries, including critical infrastructure, there are concerns about the security vulnerabilities of IoT systems. Businesses are increasingly anxious about the possible risks introduced by IoT systems into their existing infrastructures and how to mitigate them.

One of the weaknesses of IoT devices is that they can easily be compromised. This is because some IoT manufacturers of IoT devices fail to incorporate security mechanisms into the devices, resulting in security vulnerabilities that can easily be exploited. Some manufacturers and developers often focus on device usability and adding features that satisfy the needs of the users while paying little or no attention to security measures. Another reason that IoT device manufacturers and developers pay little or no attention to security is that they are often focused on getting the device to the market as soon as possible. Also, some IoT users focus mainly on the price of the devices and ignore security requirements, incentivising the manufacturers to focus on minimising the cost of the devices while trading off the security of the devices.

Also, IoT hardware constraints make it difficult to implement reliable security mechanisms, making them vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Since batteries with limited energy capacities power IoT devices, they possess low-power computing and communication systems, making it hard to implement secure security mechanisms. Using power-hungry computing and communication systems that would permit the incorporation of reliable security mechanisms will significantly reduce the lifetime of the device (the time from when the device is deployed to when the energy stored in its battery is completely drained). As a result, manufacturers and developers tend to trade off the security of the device with the reliability and lifetime of the device.

A successful malicious attack on an IoT system could result in data deft, loss of data privacy, and further comprise other critical systems that are connected to the IoT systems. IoT systems are increasingly being targeted due to the relative ease with which they can be compromised. Also, they are increasingly being incorporated into critical infrastructure such as energy, water, transportation, health care, education, communication, security, and military infrastructures, making them attractive targets, especially during conventional, hybrid, and cyber warfare. In this case, the goal of the attackers is not only to compromise IoT systems but to exploit the vulnerabilities of the IoT device with the aim of compromising or damaging critical infrastructures. Some examples of attacks that have been orchestrated by exploiting vulnerabilities of IoT devices include:

The attacks mentioned above are just a few examples of how cybercriminals may exploit the vulnerabilities of IoT devices to compromise and disrupt services in other sectors, especially the disruption of critical infrastructure. These examples demonstrate the urgent need to incorporate security mechanisms into IoT infrastructures, especially those integrated with critical infrastructures. The above attack examples also indicate that the threat posed by IoT is real and can seriously disrupt the functioning of society and result in huge final and material losses. It may even result in the loss of several lives. Thus, if serious attention is not given to IoT security, IoT will soon be an Internet of Threats rather than an Internet of Things.

Therefore, IoT security involves design and operational strategies designed to protect IoT devices and other systems against cyber attacks. It includes the various techniques and systems developed to ensure the confidentiality of IoT data, the integrity of IoT data, and the availability of IoT data and systems. These strategies and systems are designed to prevent IoT-based attacks and to ensure the security of IoT infrastructures. In this chapter, we will discuss IoT security concepts, IoT security challenges, and techniques that can be deployed to secure IoT data and systems from being compromised by attackers and used for malicious purposes.