A book's table of contents page has all the linked pages it will use for its materials. If a page is not linked in there, it will not appear in the book.
To exclude a page in the book, simply remove it from the ToC, or if you want to keep it in the ToC, then put the page between
<del> </del>
tags and it will not show up in the book.
Chapter 3
<del> Chapter 3 </del>
More of this is under the " Comments in the pages" guidelines.
Place the top chapter (header level 1) title in six equation chars:
====== Title ======
Each page should start from the highest chapter level. The PDF book generator will automatically shift it down by the starting position, e.g.:
1. Introduction (page1) 1.1 Definition of the problem (page2)
page1 starts with:
page2 starts with:
======Definition of the problem======
headers because depending on the chapter nesting, they can be decreased down to either
or even
that does not represent legit header!
References should appear in the text as footnotes.
Figures with their captions should be placed using the Caption plug-in, i.e.:
If a picture is too small to be seen inline, then use the link to open it as a separate page; otherwise, use nolink.
<figure Ref.Pic.1> {{ :logotyp_1_-_fb_-_square.png?nolink&200 | This is IOT-OPEN.EU logo}} <caption>IOT-OPEN.EU Logo</caption> </figure>
Internal references to figures should be done with the figure number using Caption plug-in syntax, i.e.: As shown on Figure 1
Figure {{ref>Ref.Pic.1|Alternate text for Figure 1}}
Note - when you insert a new figure, you must give it a unique name, here Ref. Pic.1, right by the HTML tag figure (default is a label), then you can refer to it as in regular HTML.
{{ref>Ref.Pic.1|Alternate text for Figure 1}}
{{:en:iot-open:remotelab:sut:iotrx.jpg?470|Alternate text}}
Because we intend to use portrait rather than landscape layouts in printed books, please consider preparing diagrams as landscape ones rather than portrait. Eventually, portrait diagrams, images, and graphics could be rotated 90 degrees counter-wise to fit into the printing layout.
Tables with their captions should be placed using the Caption plug-in:
and refereed in the text the same mechanism as figures, i.e.: “as shown in Table 1”.
<table Ref.Tab.1.1> <caption>caption</caption> ^ Header 1 ^ Header 2 ^ | cell 1 | cell 2| | cell span || </table>
Mathematical equations should be inserted as figures and referenced as figures.
Code examples written within tags
<code c> Code example here </code>
Part of the code placed in the text like_this_function(var arg)
should be written as monospace text within double apostrophes
Tips, warnings, tricks and important facts should be introduced using note plugin, classified as:
as below:
<note>regular note on something</note> <note warning>warning information</note> <note tip>some useful tip for reades</note> <note important>and some important information</note>
While you write about menu options in software applications – write names of options in italic, i.e. like this one home/file/open
Option and suboption chains write with “/” (slash) character
Write names of the buttons in square brackets, in bold.
Names of variables referred from the program code written in italic, i.e. Integer val1.
Whole sentences cited write within parenthesis “I love DokuWiki.”, simply by:
“I love DokuWiki.”
When you need some text to be hidden for the audience but let it exist there, use comment plugin, similar to the source code comments. Simply put the text of the comment between slash-asterisk and asterisk-slash combination:
This is an example of the sentence whereas /*this text*/ is hidden
This is an example of the sentence whereas is hidden
If you need to exclude some section from PDF printed book file, use
<hidden>excluded section</hidden>
If some chapters need to be excluded use the del tag
<del> </del>
To exclude part of the content (i.e. link lists by the end of the chapter) wrap a source code using the WRAP tags:
<WRAP excludefrompdf> Some content is to be present in the Dokuwiki but not to be printed in PDF. </WRAP>