This is scenario similar to “Operating robot arm to slide brick on the rail”. Mainly different is precisely defined trajectory of end of arm.
This hands-on lab guide is intended for the Undergraduates Masters.
At the beginning, students should make both exercises for Beginners at this laboratory (controling stepmotor and servomotors). Additionaly students should understanding of working proximity sensors, and methods resolving reverse kinematic problem.
NOTE: For reverse direction, end of arm has to move above the brick.
Effect of running algorithm, can be observed via camera. Second way for acknowledge is observe signal from proximity sensors.
Provide some result validation methods, for self assesment.
This section is to be extended as new questions appear.
When using the printed version of this manual please refer to the latest online version of this document to obtain the valid and up-to-date list of the FAQ.
Provide some FAQs in the following form:
Question?: Answer.