Each laboratory node is equipped with an STM32WB55 chip. Several peripherals, networks and network services are available for the user. The UI is necessary to observe results in the camera when programming remotely. Thus, a proper understanding of UI programming is essential to successfully using the devices.
The table 1 lists all hardware components of the SUT's STM32WB55 node and hardware details such as connectivity, protocols, GPIOs, etc. Please note that some pins overlap because buses such as SPI and I2C are shared among multiple components.
The node is present in the figure 1 and reference numbers reflecting components in the table 1.
A suitable platformio.ini file for the correct code compilation is presented below. It does not contain libraries that need to be added regarding specific tasks and hardware used in particular scenarios. The code below presents only the typical section. Refer to the scenario description for details regarding case-specific libraries needed for the implementation:
[env:nucleo_wb55rg_p] platform = ststm32 framework = arduino board = nucleo_wb55rg_p lib_ldf_mode = deep+
[ktokarz][✓ ktokarz, 2024-04-21]Rozważ dodanie do platformio.ini sekcji lib_ldf_mode = deep+