This is a template for the single hands-on lab scenario description for IoT-OPEN.EU Reloaded, WP5. This document provides a scenario template (hands-on lab) and should be linked from the laboratory description document labactivitytemplate.
Everything above this line (including this line) should be removed in the final version once copied.
Give a few words about this scenario. Provide some objectives and impact on the students. Give a short description and objectives.
Provide prerequisite hardware/software/software libraries/skills if other than stated in the Laboratory description. Refer to other laboratory scenarios that users should be aware of, i.e. presenting a network message on the LCD screen should not focus on the method of handling LCD; rather, refer to the scenario (training) on how to handle LCD display. If none, remove it along with the header. Please note some information may be common for all scenarios (i.e. connectivity credentials or MQTT library credentials), so provide it at the laboratory description level, not at the scenario level. It is essential for easy updates.
Provide links for suggested readings (i.e. book / dokuwiki links) for theoretical resources. Remove this section if not necessary.
Describe a task to be implemented by the scenario user.
Write starting conditions, i.e. what to do in the beginning, what to pay attention to before beginning, how the mechanical part should look, etc. Include needed compiler configuration, etc.
Write some extra information if, i.e. some steps are optional; otherwise, cancel this paragraph (but do not remove the header).
Describe activities done in Step 1.
Describe activities done in Step n.
Provide some result validation methods for self-assessment.
This section is to be extended as new questions appear.
When using the printed version of this manual, please refer to the latest online version of this document to obtain the valid and up-to-date list of the FAQ.
Provide some FAQs in the following form:
Question?: Answer.