Table of Contents

Wireless programming

The technical solution description and a user manual for wireless programming of Distance Lab.

Quick Guide

The Robot

Distancelab Server

Loading the code:

./robocop -r [robot’s number] -f [the hex file name]
./robocop -r 3 -f atmega2561_demo.hex 

Creating reset

./robocop -r [robot’s number] -R
./robocop -r 3 -R

Reading the ADC inputs:

./robocop -r [robot’s number] -a -i [interval (1/10 s)] -n [numbers of readings]
./robocop -r 2 -a -i 1 -n 10

In webserver

Detailed manual

RoboCop is Linux based client program for Distancelab robots, it uses if necessary RobotLoader and RobotCharger. The RobotLoader contains bootloader, as the RobotLoader contains a charging program.

Some of the opportunities offered by RoboCop

RoboLoader or wireless bootloader

RoboCharger also wireless charging program

Robocopi oleku kontroll


Use of RoboCop

Usage: robocop [options]

General options:

GPIO options

ADC options

Diagnostics options

Uploading the code

-r3 = robot’s 16 bit address

./robocop -r [robot’s number] -f [hex fail name]
./robocop -r 3 -f atmega2561_demo.hex 

Using the ADC
Reading the ADC inputs:

./robocop -r [robot’s number] -a
./robocop -r 3 -f -a 

Monitoring battery level

./robocop -r [robot’s number] -a -n [numbers of readings] -i [interval (1/10 s)]
./robocop -r 3 -a -n 100 -i 1

There will be 100 readings, taken in every 0.1 second, in a console
All input ADC readings

./robocop -r [robot’s number] -a -n [numbers of readings] -i [interval (1/10 s)] -A
./robocop -r 3 -a -n 100 -i 1 -A

Other operations

XBee configuration control

./robocop -r [robot’s number] -c
./robocop -r 3 -c

Improving the XBee configuration

./robocop -r [robot’s number] -F
./robocop -r 3 -F

Creating reset

./robocop -r [robot’s number] -R
./robocop -r 3 -R

GIPO pin configuration

./robocop -r [robot’s number] -g [pin number] -v [1|0]
./robocop -r 3 -g 4 -v 1

g4 is XBee pin DIO4 and v1 means this pin is set to high

Using multiple RoboCop program is not a problem. User will wait in gueue until robot is free or time run’s out.