====== Controlador ====== [{{ :images:hardware:arm-can:modules:controller_enclosure.jpg?250|Módulo de controlo}}] /* [{{ :images:hardware:arm-can:main_board_1.jpg?250|Vista de frente da placa}}] [{{ :images:hardware:arm-can:main_board_2.jpg?250|Vista traseira da placa}}] */ ===== Características ===== **MCU** * Texas Instruments (former Luminary Micro) LM3S5632 * 32-bit 50Mhz ARM Cortex-M3 * 128 KB flash, 32 KB SRAM * CAN 2.0 controller * USB 2.0 host/device controller **Ports** * 4 x ADC input (0-3 V measuring range) * 4 x PWM output (drives up to 600 mA load) * 2 x CAN connector on 1 bus (10 pin header) * 1 x SPI * 1 x I2C * 1 x UART * 1 x JTAG (20 pin header) * 1 x USB device / host (Micro-AB) Todos os pins têm funcionalidade I/O. (excepto o PWM). O ADC e PWM têm 3 pin com terra e +5 V. **Características On-board** * 1 x 350 mW RGB LED * 1 x Push-button * Place de expansão ZigBee (opcional) **Eléctricas** * Fonte de alimentação 5 ± 0,25 V * Alimentada do bus CAN , jack DC ou porta de dispositivo USB * Até 2 A do bus CAN ou jack DC e até 500 mA da porta USB apos enumeração. Isto incluí toda a electrónica on-board. * Proteção reverse voltage e de sobrecarga (2 A). **Físicas** * Dimensões 61 x 50,6 x 13,2 mm * Peso ~18 g * Caixa opcional (aumenta o peso) ~~CL~~ ===== Conectores ===== [{{ :images:hardware:arm-can:connectors:controller_connectors.png|Conectores ARM-CAN}}] Os próximos capítulos descrevem cada um dos conectores no módulo de controlo ARM-CAN. Para reconhecimento dos conectores há que orientar o controlador como mostrado na figura. ~~CL~~ ==== PWM ==== [{{ :images:hardware:arm-can:connectors:controller_pwm1.png|Conector PWM1}}] [{{ :images:hardware:arm-can:connectors:controller_pwm2.png|Conector PWM2}}] Os conectores PWM1/2 têm pins de saída compatíveis com RC-servo standard. Em ambos os conectores existem 2 pins de saída colocados na vertical para este efeito (sinal, alimentação, terra). Desta forma, até 4 RC-servos podem ser ligados. A placa de controlo fornece até 2 A no total (não contando com outros consumos) a partir dos pins PWM. Os conectores PWM1/2 podem também ser usados para alimentar um motor DC que deve ser ligado entre os pins PWM de sinal mais à esquerda. Estes sinais são alimentados por meias pontes MOSFET de 5V 600 mA e podem formar uma ponte H completa. Devido aos transistores, os sinais PWM só podem ser usados como outputs. ~~CL~~ ==== ADC==== [{{ :images:hardware:arm-can:connectors:controller_adc1.png|Conector ADC1}}] [{{ :images:hardware:arm-can:connectors:controller_adc2.png|Conector ADC2}}] Ambos os conectores ADC1 e ADC2 Têm dois pins de saída similares a RC-servo: terra, alimentação e input/output. É fácil ligar a estes pins sensores simples como potenciómetros, termómetros, sensores de distância IR ou ultrasónicos. Os pins I/O podem ser usados como inputs compat´veis de +5 V ou outputs com +3.3 V (high level). Estes conectores podem também ser usados para controlar RC-servos com software PWM quando o servo aceita sinal de 3.3 V. ~~CL~~ ==== COMM==== [{{:images:hardware:arm-can:connectors:controller_communication.png|COMM connector}}] COMM connector is a combination of UART, SPI and I2C interfaces. Beside the +5 V supply it contains +3.3 V supply which supplies up to 700 mA. COMM connector is intended to connect with ARM-CAN User Interface and that is why it also features 2 ADC and 1 PWM pins, which are used by the joystick and speaker. ==== JTAG ==== [{{:images:hardware:arm-can:connectors:controller_jtag.png|JTAG connector}}] ARM-CAN Controller board has a standard 20-pin JTAG connector with essential pins for programming and debugging. Although the kit contains ARM-CAN programmer, other standard ARM debuggers can be used. ==== CAN ==== [{{ :images:hardware:arm-can:connectors:controller_can.png|CAN connector(s)}}] ARM-CAN Controller board contains two identical CAN 10-pin header connectors. Both of the connectors are on the same bus, therefore CAN network can be formed by daisy-chaining several Controllers. There is no CAN signal terminator on the Controller board so external terminators should be used. Microcontroller CAN RX and TX pins which connect to the on-board CAN translator are marked with orange color on the image. ~~CL~~ ==== USB ==== [{{:images:hardware:arm-can:connectors:controller_usb.png|USB pins}}] ~~CL~~ The controller board incorporates the USB micro-AB connector on the right side. Although micro-AB is intended for OTG applications the same connector can be used for device-only and host-only applications. USB inteface has ESD protection on bus and 750 mA fuse on supply line. USB power supply is bi-directional. When the controller acts as a USB device, current from the USB bus to controller board flows through a Schottky diode, when the controller is used as a host, external power switch to USB bus can be opened with USB_EPEN high signal. ~~CL~~ ==== RGB LED ==== [{{ :images:hardware:arm-can:connectors:controller_rgb.png|RGB LED pins}}] In the middle of the controller board there is a 350 mW RGB LED. Each of the three colors are driven by separate signal. Green LED has a pull-up resistor which lights up green led by default. It can be turned off when microcontroller pin is configured as output with low signal. ~~CL~~ ==== Buttons ==== [{{ :images:hardware:arm-can:connectors:controller_btn.png|BTN pin}}] There are two buttons on board. The left one resets microcontroller when pressed; the right one is used as a custom button for user application. The button has an RC filter which filters button bounces. ~~CL~~ /* ===== Schematics ===== * {{:datasheets:arm-can:controller.pdf|Schematics}} */