====== Smart ventilator example ======
This example shows how to make a temperature sensor controlled ventilator. You will need 2 controller modules. One
with DHT shield attached and the other with relay shield.
{{:en:iot:examples:20200610_212520.jpg?300|IoT controllers with DHT and relay shields}}
Once the code has been uploaded, the DHT controller will publish the temperature and humidity values to "temp" and "hum" every 2 seconds. The relay module subscribes to topics "temp" and "conf". The relay controller will switch the relay if the temperature rises above the set limit (default:28 degrees). To change the set limit, send a new value to the "conf" topic. (For example: "25.5")
The following is the code for the controller with relay module.
Required libraries:
lib_deps = ITTIoT
// Includes global variables and librarys that the relay uses
#define WIFI_NAME "name"
#define WIFI_PASSWORD "password"
// Change it according to the real name of the red IoT module where
// temperature & humidity shield is connected
#define DHT_TOPIC "ESP30"
#define RELAY_PIN 5 // The relay has been connected to pin 5
float t; //for holding the received temperature float value
float tempLimit = 28; //the temperature limit on what the relay will switch
// Message received
void iot_received(String topic, String msg)
t=msg.toFloat(); // Converts received temperature value into a real number
// Check if topic contains configuration data (change the temperature limit value)
if(topic == (DHT_TOPIC"/conf"))
//re-configures the temperature limit
// Check if topic contains temperature data
if(topic == (DHT_TOPIC"/temp"))
// Relay switching according to the temperature limit value
if(t >= tempLimit)
digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, LOW);
// Function started after the connection to the server is established.
void iot_connected()
// Send message to serial port to show that connection is established
Serial.println("MQTT connected callback");
// Subscribe to get temperature and temperature configuration messages
// Send message to MQTT server to show that connection is established
iot.log("Ventilator example!");
void setup()
// Initialize serial port and send message
Serial.begin(115200); // setting up serial connection parameter
//iot.setConfig("wname", WIFI_NAME);
//iot.setConfig("wpass", WIFI_PASSWORD);
iot.printConfig(); // print IoT json config to serial
iot.setup(); // Initialize IoT library
pinMode(RELAY_PIN, OUTPUT); // The relay pin is defined as output type
void loop()
iot.handle(); // IoT behind the plan work, it should be periodically called
delay(20); // Wait 0.2 second
The following is the program code for the controller with DHT module.
Required libraries:
lib_deps = ITTIoT, DHT sensor library, Adafruit Unified Sensor
After programming, if NAN appears instead of readings, the USB cable should be disconnected and reconnected!
// Includes global variables and librarys that the DHT uses
#define WIFI_NAME "name"
#define WIFI_PASSWORD "password"
#define DHTPIN D3 // Pin where DHT shield is connected. Change this to D4 if the shield has no legs removed.
#define DHTTYPE DHT22 // DHT 22 (AM2302)
// Create an object for DHT sensor
// Create an object for Ticker library
Ticker timeTicker;
bool sendDataFlag;
// Ticker library callback, which will occur 0.5 second interval.
void sendData()
// Function started after the connection to the server is established.
void iot_connected()
// Send message to serial port to show that connection is established
Serial.println("MQTT connected callback");
// Send message to MQTT server to show that connection is established
iot.log("IoT DHT example!");
void setup()
// Initialize serial port and send message
Serial.begin(115200); // setting up serial connection parameter
//iot.setConfig("wname", WIFI_NAME);
//iot.setConfig("wpass", WIFI_PASSWORD);
iot.printConfig(); // print IoT json config to serial
iot.setup(); // Initialize IoT library
// Initialize DHT library
// Initialize Ticker interval and callback
timeTicker.attach(1, sendData);
void loop()
iot.handle(); // IoT behind the plan work, it should be periodically called
sendDataFlag = false;
// Read humidity and temperature
float h = dht.readHumidity();
float t = dht.readTemperature();
// Create a buffer to store strings to being sent later
char buf[10];
// Convert temperature value messages to strings and send to the MQTT server
// Convert humidity value messages to strings and send to the MQTT server