==== RGB LED module: Remote lights ==== This is a simple example of programming the LED module to show different colors. === Target group === This hands-on lab guide is intended for the Beginners. === Prerequisites === Understanding how a RGB LED works. === Scenario === In this scenario, the user will program a IoT controller connected to a RGB LED module to display different colors. The commands to show and switch colors will be given over MQTT network. === Result === As a result the user can control the RGB LED with MQTT commands. === Start === In the beginning make sure you are connected to the IoT controller with RGB LED module. === Steps === // Write some extra information if i.e. some steps are optional otherwise cancel this paragraph (but do not remove header).// == Step 1 == //Describe activities done in Step 1.// ... == Step n == //Describe activities done in Step n.// === Result validation === The user can check from the webcam feed if the commands are working. === FAQ === This section is to be extended as new questions appear. \\ When using the printed version of this manual please refer to the latest online version of this document to obtain the valid and up-to-date list of the FAQ. //Provide some FAQs in the following form:\\ **Question?**: Answer. //