====== Development environment Eclipse (Windows) ATmega2561 ====== This section contains the information necessary to install HomeLab version 5 (Microcontroller v1 - ATmega2561) development software and initial setup on Windows operating system. ===== Installation ===== For installation the HomeLab development software must be downloaded for your operating system. The software package contains Eclipse development environment, Eclipse AVR plugin, Robotic HomeLab library, HomeLab programming utilities and and example project. **MS Windows** Software download -> [[et:files|Eclipse HomeLab package]] **Linux Ubuntu** Software download -> [[et:files|Homelab-keyring]] **Linux other and Mac OS** The following software is required to be installed: * Eclipse * Eclipse AVR plugin * Hlinit * Hlflash * AVRdude mod. * Robotic HomeLab library ===== Creating new project ===== In order to write a program for the controller you need to create the new project. The project includes typically different files like source codes, header files, compiled program files, etc. It is strongly advised to create new folder for every project (which is offered also by the New Project Wizard. The following steps have to be completed when creating new project with the help of wizard: **1.** Start Eclipse (Robotic HomeLab IDE) and ja setup new project. If the software is newly installed, project repository //Workspace// must be created. To do this, select the //Workspace// folder location in main window where the repository will be created. {{:software:eclipse:eclipse0.jpg?520|}} {{:software:eclipse:eclipse1.jpg?500|}} To create the new project, select in menu //File - New - C project//. Add project name and click //Next//. **2.** Project configuration in the next dialog box should be selected as only Release. {{:software:eclipse:eclipse3.jpg?400|}} **3.** In the next window, microcontroller type and working frequency must be selected. Robotic HomeLab (v5) microcontroller is //ATmega2561// working frequency 14745600 Hz. To finish project setup click //Finish//. {{:software:eclipse:eclipse4.jpg?400|}} **4.** After this the user interface for program development will open. Before you can start writing code, new file for source code is needed to create. To do this, click mouse right button on your fresh project, select //New - Source File// and input a name to it, which must be ended with ".c". It is recommended to name the main file as "main.c". After pressing //Finish// button, a new file is created and opened in development environment. {{:software:eclipse:eclipse5.jpg?400|}} **5.** Before you start writing the source code, it is advisable to make some changes in preferences for easier use of development environment. Choose from menu //Window - Preferences// and navigate from leftside tree to //General - Workspace// and select option //Save automatically before build// {{:software:eclipse:eclipse6.jpg?400|}} **6.** For testing the correct operation of Eclipse, the following source code can copied to environment and compiled. For compilation the keyboard combination of CTRL + B can be used. //A simple test code which is not using HomeLab library #include int main(void) { unsigned int x,y; // Set pin PB7 as output DDRB = 0x80; // Infinite loop while (1) { // Invert pin PB7 PORTB ^= 0x80; y=3200; while(y--){ x=260; while(x--){ asm volatile ("nop"); } } } } For successful compilation, the code is needed to be error free and the compilator must be able to find all necessary header files. A successful compilation is indicated in //Problem// window as emptiness (or at outermost cases some warnings //Warning//) and in //Console// window as the output of compilator which will for example be in this case: AVR Memory Usage ---------------- Device: atmega2561 Program: 308 bytes (0.1% Full) (.text + .data + .bootloader) Data: 0 bytes (0.0% Full) (.data + .bss + .noinit) Finished building: sizedummy {{:software:eclipse:eclipse7.jpg?520|}} If the code has errors or header files are not found, then the //Console// window displays the number of errors on end line and describes possible faults above it. ../main.c: In function 'main': ../main.c:23: error: expected ';' before 'while' ../main.c:13: warning: unused variable 'x' make: *** [main.o] Error 1 Alsothe //Problems// window displays several error messages and corresponding location in code is marked with error icon. {{:software:eclipse:eclipse8.jpg?520|}} **7.** For using HomeLab library, it is assumed to be correctly installed into operation system with the help of instruction. For every project the library must be included into list of linkable objects in project options. To do this, open at first: //Project -> Properties// and then from leftside tree //C/C++ Build -> Settings//, further //Tool Settings -> AVR C linker -> Libraries//. Choose in window that opened in the right under //Libraries (-l)// icon //Add...// and input to the dialog box "homelab2561". Then //OK// and one more //OK//. {{:software:eclipse:eclipse10.jpg?520|}} **8.** For testing HomeLab library the following source code can be used when copied besids the previous code and compiled. You can again use CTRL + B combination on keyboard. //A simple test code which uses HomeLab library #include #include int main(void) { // Set pin PB7 as output DDRB = 0x80; // Infinite loop while (true) { // Invert pin PB7 PORTB ^= 0x80; hw_delay_ms(500); } } If compilation of this code is also successful, the development environment was set up correctly. ===== Loading the code into microcontroller ===== **1.** Connect the microcontroller board to PC using USB cable. After successful connection a small green LED labeled as PWR will light up (after some time on first connection). **2.** Set options for program loader (AVRDude). For this again open project properties //Project -> Properties// and from leftside tree //AVR -> AVRDude//, further //Programmer configuration -> New//. The dialog box that now opens needs no changes and you can press //OK// button. If it is selected press //Apply// and then //OK//. {{:software:eclipse:eclipse9.jpg?520|}} It is important to check that in list //Programmer configuration// something can be choosed and by default this will be: //New Configuration//. {{:software:eclipse:eclipse11.jpg?520|}} **3.** If HomeLab microcontroller module is connected with PC, you can now try to load the compiled program into microcontroller. For this simply press AVR icon or use CTRL + ALT + U in keyboard. As an effect of this program, the on-board LED (PB7) should start flashing. If the program works, you have successfully set up your programming environment and completed your first program. Congratulations! {{:kit:kit_2561_test.jpg?400|}} ===== Using floating-point variables ===== It is sometimes necessary in AVR programs to use floating-point variables. For calculating with them and presenting with //printf//-type functions, the following changes are necessary in the configuration of the project: **1.** Open the configuration of the project from the menu //File → Properties//. On the leftside panel open //AVR C Linker → Libraries//, where in addition to HomeLab library other library objects must be included //printf_flt// and //m// (libprintf_flt.a ja libm.a). **2.** Then open //AVR C Linker → General// and into box of //Other Arguments// add line //-uvfprintf//. {{:examples:eclipse:eclipse_floating_point_libraries.png?520|}} {{:examples:eclipse:eclipse_floating_point_printf.png?520|}} **3.** Press OK and close configuration window.